Product Information
I have bee around a lot of different elk bugling in my 40 years of filming. The E.L.K., Inc. “Power Bugle”, without a doubt, is the most powerful, realistic elk bugle ever developed. You owe it to yourself to learn “Power Bugling”. It will become a household phrase like “Cow Talk” is in the elk hunting world. When you see the video you will understand why I am so high on “Power Bugling” elk. One of the most exciting sequences is when an old bull leaves his cows and travels 600 yards to come to the “Power Bugle”, throwing dirt clods 20 yards into the air—he came to fight. You will see several sic point bulls challenge the “Power Bugle” as close as 20 feet. This video is not only on bugling, but a source of information on why, when, where and how to become a successful elk bugler. 60 minutes.
Customer Reviews 1 (1 Review) Write a review of this product
Very Dissapointed
First off, this was filmed in what appears to have been the early or maybe mid 90's and the picture quality is aweful. I was really expecting this to be an instuctional video explaining how to make certain sounds and when to use them. What it actually is, is basically a very long commercial telling you how easy it is to use and how how amazing the design is. Total time of usefull information is honestly less than five minutes. I absolutely love my power bugle, it really is as great a bugle as they advertise but I seriously regret wasting around $20 (including S&H) on this. There's far better instructional videos on youtube for free.